Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Scentsy Parties

Chelsea Clem
website: chelseareneefinch.scentsy.us
email: finch.chelsea.2013@gmail.com
phone: 785.220.7053

Feel free to comment or email me with any questions!

What is a Scentsy party?

There are a few types of Scentsy parties, home parties, basket parties, and online parties. Scentsy parties are a great way for people to learn about what Scentsy has to offer and it allows the host to earn rewards! 

When a home party is hosted a consultant will come into the hosts home (or another suitable location) and the host will invite over family and friends to join the fun! The consultant usually sets up a table with different products for the guests to enjoy, may provide games and snacks, and will teach everyone all about Scentsy and what they have to offer. Orders can be placed here at the party or online once someone gets home and has more time to figure out what they'd like to purchase. Your consultant will set a party up on their personal website and the customers will place their online orders through this party link in order for it to count toward rewards. All the orders that come through the party are added up and used to get rewards for the host (we'll get to the rewards later). 

A basket party is for those that would prefer not to have people over to their home, or are too busy for a home party. A consultant will prepare a basket with order forms, catalogs, information, samples, and even a warmer for the host to borrow and tote around for a week or so and the host will introduce Scentsy to their family, friends, and coworkers and collect orders. Orders can be placed through the consultants personal website as well. 

Online parties are the least common but still work. Let everyone know about Scentsy and their products and the customers can place orders on the party link your consultant sets up on their personal website. In this case there will likely be no samples or information brochures. Your consultant may set up a group or event on Facebook and you, the host, would add everyone you know. Online games may be played through the group and people will place orders on the consultants personal website. 

Host Rewards!

Hosting a party whether it be an online party, basket party, or home party will allow the host to earn rewards once they meet the sales minimum. The minimum is $150 before shipping and taxes is calculated into the order. Below is a chart showing the rewards a host is eligible for. 

(This chart was borrowed from Scentsy.com)

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